5 Reasons Why I’m Not Doing Simily

Consider carefully

James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2022


Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/
  1. My day is limited to 24 hours. I have other things to do — Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn; that’s enough social stuff for me, because I also like writing books and having a life.
  2. As of Jan 2022, Simily has very low membership numbers and domain authority c.f. Medium. That means it’s way down the list of search engine results, i.e…



James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Shortform

Follow me for a 2xTop Writer diet: true stories, humor, tech, AI, travel, geopolitics and small business tips as I write around the world on my old boat.